Tobacco isn’t just nasty
it’s deadly!
Smoking causes bad breath, yellow teeth, yellow fingernails, and stinky clothes. Not only that, but once you are hooked, it’s hard to quit! The average adult smoker started before they were 18, and 75% of those teen smokers continue smoking through adulthood., If you don’t start you won’t have to quit.

Tobacco Facts
Tobacco Facts
40% of suburban Cook County high school students have ever tried smoking cigarettes.
Tobacco Facts
12% of suburban Cook County high school students are already current smokers.* *(smoked a cigarette during the last 30 days)
The Nasty Truth
Cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals
70 of which are known to cause cancer
#A smoker with a pack a day habit spends over $4,700 on cigarettes in one year.
#A pack a day habit can buy:
- 95 video games
- 13 gaming systems
- 9 cell phones
- 13 tablets

Test your Tobacco IQ
Think you’re Tobacco-Smart? Think again. These facts might surprise you and your friends.

Take the Pledge
Take the “That’s Just Nasty” Pledge to not smoke or to break the addiction.